American Synesthesia Association
10th Annual Conference in 2013
Call for Papers
The Board Members of the ASA are pleased to announce the Tenth National Meeting of the American Synesthesia Association, Inc., which will take place May 31 – June 2, at OCAD University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

The conference will be hosted by the Colour Research Society of Canada and OCAD University, and made possible by the Board Members of the ASA.

We invite the submission of abstracts from individuals wishing to make a presentation in any of the following formats: a scholarly paper, a discussion of creative aspects of synesthesia, a reading, a presentation of visual artwork, audio or video works.

Abstract submissions can be made at:

Please submit an abstract no longer than 250 words.
Include your name, e-mail address, telephone contact number, and a short resume (no more than two pages) or web-link to same. 
The number of presentation slots will be limited, so there is no guarantee that a submission can be accepted.

Our abstract review board is representative of diverse interests, talents, and approaches to exploring and experiencing synesthesia. It includes artists, linguists, historians, and scientists, some of whom are synesthetes themselves.

This year’s conference Keynote Speaker will be Noam Sagiv from Brunel University, Centre for Cognition and Neuroimaging.

DEADLINE for Abstract Submission: February 28, 2013.

NOTIFICATION by March 15, 2013.

Associated Public Events will include: 


        ·      "Collaborative Animated Responses to Synesthesia":  a presentation by award-winning filmmaker  
               Samantha Moore and a performance by Toronto’s renowned chamber ensemble, The Gryphon Trio, including 
               music by synesthetic composers. At Walter Hall, in collaboration with University of Toronto Faculty of Music.

·       “Pictures Drawn by the Blind: Literal and Metaphoric”: a lecture by Professor Emeritus John Kennedy (University of Toronto). At OCAD University Auditorium.

·       A collaborative workshop including musicians, scientists, artists, designers (synesthetes and non-synesthetes) will be hosted at University of Toronto, Faculty of Music, featuring the Gryphon Trio and guests – in advance of the conference. Limited spaces will be available by application (details tba).

·       Additional live music performances, visual art exhibitions, workshops and information sessions addressing the synesthetic experience are being programmed, and will be announced at a later date.

New Board Member - the beginnings of a nationally representative Board

SYLVIE POULIOT a été élue au Conseil d’administration SCRC

SYLVIE POULIOT elected to the Board  CRSC

À la réunion du conseil d'administration de novembre du SCRC, Sylvie Pouliot, professeure agrégée à l’Université Laval, a été élue au Conseil d’administration. Un ses rôles est de construire une adhésion au Québec. Sylvie Pouliot est designer graphique agréée et enseigne la typographie, l’édition ainsi que les fondements du design graphique, incluant la couleur. Son enseignement met l’emphase sur le processus de création et les méthodologies du design appliqué au design graphique à caractère social. Elle a développé un intérêt pour l’enseignement et l’utilisation de la couleur, plus particulièrement en ce qui a trait aux rôles, fonctions et effets de la couleur comme outil de communication. Elle intègre également à son enseignement desnotions provenant de domaines connexes tels la communication, la sémiologie et la créativité. Ses recherches portent principalement sur le design graphique à caractère social. Elle a récemment obtenu une subvention du Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture du Québec (FQRSC) en recherche création; son projet s’intitule : Affiche sociale engagée: recherche-création de type participatif avec des victimes de violence conjugale et des hommes au comportement impulsif dans un contexte de design d'auteur.
Si la couleur fait partie de vos préoccupations, que vous désirez de plus amples informations ou encore vous joindre à la Société canadienne de recherche sur la couleur, veuillez communiquer avec Sylvie Pouliot, par courriel, à l’adresse suivante :

At the November Board Meeting of the CRSC, Sylvie Pouliot, associate professor at Laval University was elected to the Board, and will take a lead role in building the regional membership in Quebec.  Sylvie Pouliot is a graphic designer recognized by the Société des designers graphiques du Québec (SDGQ) and teaches typography, edition design as well as graphic design foundations, including colour. In her teaching she emphasize the creative process and methodology applied to social graphic design issues. She developed an interest in color education more particularly in the roles, functions and effects of color as a communication tool. She also integrates notions from a diversity of domains related such as communication, semiotics and creativity. She recently received a grant from the Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture du Québec (FQRSC). The project in called: Social conscious poster: participative creative - research with victims of conjugal violence and men with impulsive behaviour in a context of authorship design.
If colour is part of your concerns and you would like more information or join the Colour Research Society of Canada, you can contact Sylvie Pouliot by email at: