News from one of our members:

Sarindar Dhaliwal: Narratives from the Beyond
Surrey Art Gallery, British Columbia
September 21 – December  15

The experience of migration affects not only how we remember our culture, but also how we recreate it in our new country. The process of relocating to a new homeland can influence our interpretation of symbols, and have a powerful impact on how we form and adapt our identities. 

The Surrey Art Gallery exhibition Sarindar Dhaliwal: Narratives from Beyond explores questions about culture and memory in both personal and provocative ways. Featuring selections from ten years of photography, sculpture, textile, and video, this survey showcases one of Canada's most accomplished South Asian artists. 

Drawing from childhood memory, global history, and the real and imagined, the world revealed in Sarindar Dhaliwal's mixed-media art presents riveting meditations on beauty, identity, exile, and home. This exhibition traces the artist's experiences in India (where she was born), Britain (where she was raised and educated), and Canada (where she has lived and worked for close to three decades). 

The complex and often hidden traumas of the partition between India and Pakistan is symbolized in Dhaliwal's map of these two countries formed from marigold flowers that appear as though on fire. The joys and traumas of childhood are infused in the artist's giant handmade fairy tale books and large-scale, meticulously arranged coloured pencil collections. The world of sport returns again and again, as in the delicately embroidered cricket leg pad framed within an ornate marble window. 

Together, these artworks and others by this Toronto-based artist present a sumptuous cartography of place and experience that spans the globe while uniting the personal with the universal. 

members please send your colour research news  to (until we have a new website - work in progress) and I will make sure it is posted.



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CNC-CIE information

Jennifer Veitch, Vice President of the Canadian Vice-President, Canadian National Committee for the Commission International de l'Eclairage (CNC-CIE) has sent a message regarding the Biannual Joint Meeting of the CNC/CIE (see below). For those of you interested in colour and light, interface with the national/international lighting community holds potential for finding intersecting areas/topics of interest. More discourse and research on the interplay of colour and light is of potential value across many fields, and as the arts and sciences build bridges through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research models, we already are, and hope to grow in our active fostering of such exchange. The AIC, our 'parent' organization, is certainly a place where this interface occurs. I encourage you to learn more about the opportunities these organizations hold for diverse exploration and contribution.

The CRSC hopes to engage with the CNC-CIE as we go forward, and welcomes any opportunity to do so. If you have ideas about this, please contact me at or
Doreen Balabanoff
CRSC/SCRC President

Here is Jennifer's notice:

Dear colleagues,
There is lots of news for you about administrative matters in the CNC/CIE, but I will start with the most important. We had some communications difficulties this summer, so please accept our apologies if information passed you by.
1. You are invited to the 9th Biannual Joint Meeting of the CIE/USA and CNC/CIE at the California Lighting Technologies Center in Davis, California, Nov. 7-8, 2013.  There is a welcome reception on the evening of Nov. 6, technical day on Nov. 7, and business meetings on Nov. 8.  The web site for the event is here: Registration and hotel information will be online shortly.
The November 8 meeting is the Annual General Meeting of the CNC/CIE. If you want to take part in that meeting but can't travel to Davis, we will make arrangements for teleconferencing. Please contact me at if you want to take part remotely.
2. We have a new URL for the CNC/CIE:   Among other recent updates, you can see the preliminary program for the joint meeting here:
3.  We have an interim Secretary, Mr. Bill Neil.  Bill will stand in for the Secretary, Réjean Baribeau, while he is on leave. Bill is a Technical Officer in the Thermometry, Radiometry, and Photometry Group at NRC Measurement Science and Standards.
4. We have a new and stable e-mail address for CNC/CIE correspondence: Please use this e-mail to send messages to the Secretary, or to ask him to forward mail to any member of the CNC/CIE.  We have set this up such that other NRC staff who are active in the CNC/CIE may also monitor the mailbox in case the Secretary is away or unavailable.