Hello members

I'll be sending out an invitation to our Annual General Meeting shortly. 

In the meantime, please see below several colour opportunities forwarded to me by AIC colleagues:

All best,

Open Faculty Position (Assistant Professor)
RIT Program of Color Science &
Munsell Color Science Laboratory
Last academic year, there was a reassessment of color science. As a result, RIT administration has made a commitment to support our original intentions. This has included developing a Program of Color Science within the College of Science and expanding our faculty. The new and existing faculty will define the future of the Program of Color Science at RIT as a model multi-disciplinary effort and define the field of color science for the next several decades.
For More Information Contact: Mark Fairchild (mark.fairchild@rit.edu)
Apply online at <careers.rit.edu/faculty>. Search: 836BR.
Review of applications will begin in December 1, 2013


  Master Color Design & Technology
13 scholarship grants available
Politecnico di Milano and University of Milan in Italy
Contact: Maurizio Rossi, maurizio.rossi@polimi.it

Colour, Emotion, and Well-Being
Thursday, 21 November 2013, 2:00-4:30pm
Seminar organized by the Laboratory for Experimental Research on Behavior (LERB, http://www.unil.ch/lerb/), (Building Géopolis, Room 1628).
Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, Building Géopolis, UNIL-Mouline, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, phone: +41 21 6923269
Keynote Speaker: Banu Manav, University of Istanbul: Color perception in interior architecture
Contact: Nele Dael, nele.dael@unil.ch


International Congress of Imaging Science

ICIS 2014 will be held in Tel Aviv, Israel from May 12 through May 14, 2014 at the Dan Panorama Hotel. 
Dr. Weiss and Prof. Zalevsky are the conference's co-chairs and they and their colleagues have organized an excellent program for ICIS2014. You may find the current conference web site at:

The abstract submission deadline is January 15, 2014.