Toronto area members and other guests may attend in person at
OCAD University, 100 McCaul Street, Toronto
Room 284 (main building, 2nd floor)
Room 284 (main building, 2nd floor)
You may also join from afar by using the following link to an Adobe Connect Meeting Room. Please
note the Eastern Standard time factor if you are connecting from other time zones. agm
You may enter the meeting 15 minutes in advance of the
start time. You do not require extra software but it may ask you about
an Adobe add-in, and you should say ok to that. You will be
participating by chat only, so no need to worry about turning off
microphones. Please give your your full name as you enter so that can
tell who you are. (This means you can see and hear everything as presented by a speaker, and can ask questions or comment through typing and using icons - it could be fun and will definitely be interesting...!)
Please forward this information to any interested persons or groups, as the meeting will be open to those who have the url, and they will be able to join in (without participating in our brief elections).
(We'd like to start the meeting promptly at noon, so please arrive a little early)
Doreen Balabanoff
for the Executive Committee